In a utopian business world hiring would be a breeze, with the perfect candidate who has the highly specialized skillset you need looking for the exact position you currently need to fill.

Sadly, there is no such utopia and those moments when the ideal candidate comes along at just the right time are unicorns in the recruiting world—has anyone actually seen it happen? The secret to keeping qualified candidates interested in your company until the right position comes along lies in building a strong relationship. And there’s no better place to make that happen than in a talent pool.

But creating a decent talent pool takes work and maintaining it requires dedication. Let’s look at 6 tips for building and nurturing a healthy…and productive…talent pool.

1. Define “Pool Worthy”

The right candidates for entrance into your talent pool will vary depending on your business and needs. It’s important to create a profile for your ideal candidate—what qualifications they need, what hard and soft skills they should possess—in order to identify ideal candidates for your business when you see them out in the wild.

2. Build a Platform…and a Community

Your website should have a clearly visible link on the homepage that takes interested candidates to your career page. There, you should provide information about your business, the culture of the company, and your employees.
Keep information interesting by providing behind-the-scenes videos about company culture, a FAQ section, and any pertinent information about the application process.
Consider creating a closed group on Facebook or LinkedIn where members of your talent pool can connect. Encourage dialogue amongst members through the regular posting of engaging content—ask/answer questions, post links to recent blogs, and share relevant social media posts. The more engagement you create with and between members, the stronger your pool community will grow.

3. Create Your Pool

  • There are several methods you can use to fill your pool with worthy candidates.
    In-house Referrals: Word-of-mouth referrals from current employees can lead to lasting relationships. According to LinkedIn, 48% of businesses find their top hires thanks to employee referrals.
  • Reconnect with Unsuccessful Candidates: With the proper engagement, those candidates who made it through several rounds of interviews but ultimately didn’t get the job make for excellent talent pool members. After all, they’ve already been vetted by the company and are familiar with the interview process. Communication is key in this demographic, and it is important to explain why they were passed over and how to avoid it in the future.
  • Social Media: Honestly, is there an area of life that isn’t affected by social media? Like it or not, social platforms can be used as effective recruiting tools for talent pool candidates. Odds are, you’ve already made social media an integral part of your digital marketing campaign, and there are likely tons of followers who are passively interested in your business and the culture there. Why not post all the reasons why your company is exceptional, and include regular invitations to join your talent pool platform?

4. Categorize Pool Members

Segment your talent pool members according to their skills and the roles they would potentially fill in your company. Doing so will allow you to provide more relevant content depending on their interests (managers, IT, marketing, sales, HR, etc.)

5. Create Relevant, Specified Content

Once you’ve broken your talent pool members down into subcategories, use that knowledge to create engaging content specifically for each group. Your pool of sales candidates will appreciate a monthly newsletter that includes relevant industry news, and an announcement lauding the success of one your sales teams. Be sure to include any position openings that become available in each segment.

6. Consider In-Person Mixers

So much of 2020 was spent in isolation and on virtual zoom meetings it seems strange to suggest gathering in person. But as more people are vaccinated against COVID-19 and we slowly emerge into a more social lifestyle, people will be hungry for connection.
Once it is safe to do so, consider hosting an after-hours open house at your office. Invite members of the talent pool and give them a glimpse into your business culture. You may want to ask a local business expert to come speak on a relevant topic, or keep it strictly social, allowing current employees to share with pool members why they love working for you.
Building and maintaining a talent pool isn’t simple. It’s a significant investment, but one that can provide a substantial ROI. If you are unsure where to start, consider reaching out to us at Acquire Talent. We’d love to help you build a talent pool of qualified candidates who can’t wait to work for you. Click here to contact us today for a custom quote.

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